
first trip and first Thanksgiving

Well, we all survived Chloe’s first long trip! She did so great in the car both ways! She just sat there and played with toys and books that I would give her.  On the way home she slept quite a bit, but on the way out there she was awake most of it.  Once we got to Illinois she didn’t really want to be held by anyone but mommy and daddy most of the time.  Some people got to sneak in some happy holding time, but once she realized they weren’t who she thought they were she was screaming.  It made me feel good to be “wanted” by her, but I felt bad that she didn’t want anyone else to hold her.  She was all smiles looking at people, but don’t touch! haha! While we were eating Thanksgiving dinner with my family she kept eyeballing Mikel’s turkey leg and smiling at him! It was too funny! When we had Thanksgiving lunch with Scott’s whole family his great Aunt Martha held her while she slept. It was nice to be able to eat with out a wiggle-worm in our arms. (not that I am complaining! I love it!) She had a pretty good day that day because she let almost everyone in Scott’s family hold her, but by the end of the day she had enough.  It was overall a very successful and pleasant trip.. as long as I don’t think about trying to get her to sleep while we were there! 😉 It was nice to be with family, but it is also nice to be home again and have Chloe all to ourselves 🙂
Chloe is still trying so hard to sit up. She gets her head lifted pretty far, and her little legs stick way up in the air. Yesterday she sat unsupported for both Scott and myself for a few seconds. I’m wondering if she will be sitting up on her own by our next trip home.  She’s so strong! She has also started grabbing her feet and holding on to them a lot.  I love every new stage with her and while I don’t want her to grow up, I am excited to see who she turns out to be.


3 months old???

Well, my baby girl turned 3 months old on Monday! What on earth happened to the “newborn”? She is 14 lbs. 2 oz and 25 inches long now!! She is trying extremely hard to sit up. She stick her chubby legs up in the air and lifts her head.  If I give her my hands she can pull herself up to sitting.  I am amazed at how strong she is for only being 3 months old.  I guess thats what happens when you have a giant baby though lol!  She reaches out and grabs things now with good intent.  She can sit in her bumbo seat without falling forward. Now, she just leans forward to chew on it. She is sitting on my lap right now leaning into my arm.  She doesn’t need a whole lot of support when sitting, but definitely can’t sit on her own yet.  She wants so badly to be mobile.  She gets so mad on her belly because she can’t move around.  Yesterday she was laying on her back holding both of her feet up by her face. It looked painful to me, but she thought she was funny.
  We put up our Christmas tree yesterday and Chloe loved it! I got what I thought was a small tree for her bedroom. I didn’t pay attention to the size, just the small box and price.. it ended up being 4 feet tall!  She loves the sparkly lights.  We put an ornament in her hand and tried to get her to hang it up.. she didn’t want to let go haha!  So, we put it on her foot and she hung it with her toes.
She is such a sweet baby. She wraps her arms around my arm almost like a hug.  I laugh at myself because I am with her all day, and still don’t want to give her up to Scott when he gets home.  I do, of course, but I love spending time with her!!  I know that financially it is going to be EXTREMELY hard..especially in the winter with our ridiculous heating bill.. but it is worth it to get rid of fancy cable and everything to get to help teach her things and watch her change every day.
I truly believe life can’t get any better than it is right now…


Wonderful Day!

Well, I can finally confirm that Chloe is my daughter. I had started wondering when she was unhappy every time at the mall… 😉 Today, we went to Bass Pro Shops, expecting it to just be that store.  It ended up being attached to a HUUUUGE mall!! Chloe LOVED it! She was so excited she didn’t even want to waste time eating. It was so fun to get out of our town and go to this huge, bustling place. We got Chloe’s pretty Christmas dress and a silly winter hat for her.  They also had a Disney outlet store (Mommy’s favorite part) and we got a Minnie Mouse doll for her.  If it were up to me, I would buy the whole store!
Chloe is growing like a weed! I haven’t weighed or measured her in a while, but I know she has grown a ton since last month. I can’t believe she will be 3 months old on Monday! She is drooling like a St. Bernard now, and has the sweetest personality.  Everyone in the nursery at church talks about how good she is.  I’m so blessed to have such a happy baby!! We had a rough couple of days this week, but I think she was just in a funk. We are getting ready for our first big trip with her, and I am very nervous!! She has been spoiled with me being home all the time and refuses to take a bottle, so it will be a long trip.  We are also going to be seeing a lot of new people, and I think she is going to get overwhelmed.  I think we’ll have to pass on playing hot potato with her this time. Thats the beauty of being Mommy- I get to decide 🙂 I’m so excited for everyone to see how much bigger she is, and just to see our families in general! Its been a LONG time!


mini milestones

Ok, so maybe these aren’t milestones.. but definitely signs that my baby is growing up.  She has officially moved up to 3 to 6 month clothing. (her 0 to 3 month stuff wouldn’t fit over her head.. I figured it was time to move up a size lol) She has also moved up to size 2 diapers! I want so badly for her to stay little, but I also want so badly to find out who she is going to grow up to be.. and I’m excited and nervous to watch her grow.  My favorite “new” thing is that if I hold my hand out in front her her she will reach out and grab my finger and hold on for dear life.  I love that she can “hold my hand” now- intentionally.

I love this little girl’s personality already!

She has always been addicted to her pacifier.. and she has started to reject it at times.  She will make a face, almost like it tastes bad, and then spit it out.  This doesn’t happen often, but she is becoming more content to suck on her hands then to have a piece of plastic shoved in her mouth! I love each new day with her and cherish every moment. I realize how incredibly blessed I am to have a happy, healthy baby that I get to spend all day, every day with!


Happy “First” Halloween!!

Well, we celebrated Chloe’s first holiday in style.  She was dressed up all cute, the house was decorated, and we had a TOOOONNN of candy to pass out. It was Chloe’s first Halloween, and it was hour first time of passing out candy as a married couple. What a let down.  We had 3 kids show up the entire night (and our city has the LONGEST trick-or-treating hours of any other city around here…) I really was so bummed that I almost started crying. If anyone wants candy, stop by! ha! I sat and read “The Belly Button Book” to Chloe while waiting for kids to show up.  We gave up and got on Skype to talk to my mom and dad, and show them her in her costume.  She was cute- and thats all that matters 😀