story telling, travel

Trick-or-Treat at Lincoln’s Home

How many people can say that they got to trick-or-treat at Abraham Lincoln’s home? I don’t even remember how I discovered this event, but I’m so glad that I did. One of the benefits of living in Central IL is that you are close to a lot of Abraham Lincoln history.

When Addi saw Abraham Lincoln, she froze. He is her favorite president, and she didn’t even know what to do.

He shook their hands and was so kind. When I told him that Addi was star struck, he removed his hat and said “you know I am just a regular fella”.

Mary Todd Lincoln was also really kind. She also made a comment about Chloe’s astronaut costume. She said “it looks like they finally got enough of those space suits to include the women!” Friday was the historic space walk that included an all women crew. We got to watch a live stream of part of the space walk. You can watch it here if you are interested in that.

Have you seen the movie Hocus Pocus? I’ve always loved how excited everyone is to go out trick-or-treating for Halloween in that movie. You could feel that same excitement in the air at this event. Seeing all of these historic homes decorated for Halloween was so much fun. The women in period costumes were so cute.

They also did some sort of reenactment, but we missed seeing it. We didn’t eat before going, and knew they wouldn’t make it until 7:30 without dinner. Next year we are going to plan better.

It was so much fun for everyone. If you live anywhere near Springfield, IL, I highly recommend going next year!

story telling


Hi, friends!

It’s been quiet here in blog land because life has been incredibly LOUD. Almost two weeks ago, things started falling apart. Literally. Our van window fell apart. The window itself was fine, but the mechanism that rolls it up and down broke. The timing was not ideal because we kept getting random downpours. Something in the rear axel was also broken and had to be repaired.

If you don’t know, we are a one-car family. We have to take really good care of our one car. The day after the repairs were finished, we were driving to see my mom-in-law and return her car. She let us borrow hers so that we didn’t have to rent a vehicle, which has been such a blessing. I was driving our van, and right when we got into her town the van quit. It would move in reverse, but the moment you put it in drive it jerked, puttered, and died.

Of course it died 30 miles away from home. We left it parked in a CVS parking lot, and I cried. The next day, a trailer was rented and my dad towed it to the place that had worked on it before. Fast forward to Monday after they look at it, and the whole transmission needs replaced. We still owe on this van. A USED transmission is thousands of dollars.

Let’s just say I have cried a LOT. We have been in the situation where we had to eat PB&J sandwiches for days while waiting for a paycheck. We have moved in with family because of job loss. We have hit really low points, but nothing has felt as hopeless as this situation. We either put thousands into a van that’s not worth all that much anymore, or we buy a new van and still pay for the old dead one. Go ahead and look at the cost of a used minivan..

We are so incredibly frustrated. We have been working really hard to get out of debt. We just took on MORE.. We are getting our old van fixed because it’s really the only option. We are also praying that since it’s a remanufactured transmission, this van will last for many more years for us. (Side note: if you live in Oklahoma DO NOT buy from this dealership. They sold us a terrible car. They won’t even return calls and just pass us around.)

My mother-in-law had the kids over for a slumber party this past weekend and took them to a play. She graciously picked them up early and allowed us to finally get the car situation squared away. We were also able to go to the farmhouse and paint several rooms, get Harper a birthday present, and just get a little time to breath. Scott and I are passing ships most days, so figuring out a plan is not the easiest. We had been texting back and forth and leaving notes for each other. We’re glad to have a plan, but still so very frustrated and overwhelmed. We are clinging to God’s promises and what we KNOW is true, even when it doesn’t feel that way.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

garden, homeschool, kids, story telling

Celebrating Earth Day

I know that it is not super common for a Christian to also care about the planet. In my opinion, that is a shame. God created everything. He put us in charge of it to care for it. Why wouldn’t Christians care about the planet and do our part to take care of it? Anyway, I’ll get off my soap box.

We had our typical school day yesterday. Once Scott got home from work, I had to take off to get some lab work done. I was in a rotten mood, and the lab that made my appointment couldn’t actually do the blood tests. I stopped at Ace Hardware to look at paint colors, and of course the plants caught my eye. I have recently discovered Ranunculus, and have fallen in love with them. I brought this lady home with me.

I put her in a bigger pot right away, and hope she grows really big. We ate dinner on the back deck, and it was bliss. The weather was lovely and warm with a slight breeze. We decided that we were going to go for a short hike with the kids. We brought scavenger hunt check lists for the girls to do.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the trails were actually clean. I figured we could do some clean up and leave it better. I’m thrilled that we didn’t have to.

This is the girls’ favorite spot to find at this park. You can our picture from last year here; just swipe. While the girls took turns getting baths/showers, they painted their favorite part of the hike. It was fun to see what they each chose.

I don’t know about you, but getting in nature just calms my mind. There’s something peaceful and serene. Even with the kids squealing down the trails and allergies, it was so nice.

story telling

Celebrate Life

The finality of death is harsh. The knowledge that I will see her again gives me hope.

Over the weekend, we had the Celebration of Life service for my Grandma. Reality really hits you in the face when you walk into the room at the nursing home and see her side completely emptied out. The whole time it felt like she should be there. She loved gathering the whole family in her home for celebrations. She would have loved it.

But, she is healed and whole. NOTHING could be better for her.

My cousin, Matt, did the service. He met with her when they put her on hospice, and she planned it all. He did such a great job. We sang Grandma’s favorite hymns. My grandpa sang a song for her and told so many funny stories. I loved hearing how ornery she was.

At the end, Matt said that Grandma didn’t want us to leave sad. She had one last surprise up her sleeve even though she is gone. My grandma was a huge St. Louis Cardinals fan. She had Matt lead us in “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” to finish it all. Oh, Grandma. Even in death she gave us a gift. I’m pretty sure we all sobbed through it. I can’t seem to find the words to explain how truly special that was.

My sweet Grandpa was so strong through it all, but he is hurting so much. I asked him how he and Grandma met. They were 16 when they met and got married at 18. He told me how they never dated anyone else. Scott is the only guy that I have ever dated. Grandpa said “That’s how it should be. People treat partners like they are a pair of socks now!” How true that is. After he told me how they met, he looked at me and said, “I think you two are going to be like us. You’re gonna make it.” From a man who spent 67 years loving the same woman through the good, bad, and ugly– that means everything.

I’m full of gratitude that we were able to be there. I’m grateful for every moment. Celebrate life while you are still alive. Ask for the stories and LISTEN to the advice and lessons while your loved ones are still here. You don’t want to be full of regrets and questions when it’s too late. There are so many lessons to be learned from those who have walked the paths before us.

story telling

Big Dreams

If you have been around here for a while, you know that Scott and I dream of one day owning a homestead. It feels like such a far off and impossible dream because of our current circumstances.

I’m going to take you back to late November/ early December. I was working at the library and chatting with one of our patrons. She mentioned that her husband was a farmer. In our talking I mentioned our dream of living on a farm. Her eyes got really big and she told me about a house that they own and rent. They don’t list it as for rent because they don’t want just anyone moving in, but the tenants had just moved out and the house is empty. She told me that if we’d really be interested to drive out and check it out some time. Scott and I drove by, and loved it. But, figured it would be way out of our budget and didn’t really do anything more.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a really rotten day. I was discouraged and going to take a ton of bags of clothes and toys to donate just to get out of the house. Instead, I turned the opposite direction. I drove up to this beautiful farm house and walked around the property. I had permission to do this, so don’t get upset about it.


I walked around and just stood in awe. I have always loved old farm houses. My family used to go riding around a lot when I was a kid. I used to love seeing the farm houses. My mom and I would get sad any time we’d drive by an abandoned one thinking about all of the memories that the house held. Anyway, I was walked back to my car when a truck came down the road and pulled in. It was the farmer himself. I told him who I was and what I was doing there so that he didn’t think I had vandalized his property or anything. His kind face lit up and asked if I wanted to see the inside.

You guys. I was literally fighting tears the whole time. He showed me each room. The house was built around 1860. He build on the front room himself, and put up some walls to make bedrooms in the upstairs. It had all been one big room before. When we were walking back to the door, he asked me what I thought of it. I told him that it was so beautiful, but I didn’t know if it was something we could afford. He told me what he charges for rent. I. Cannot. Handle. It. It’s so low, and he doesn’t feel right raising it even after I told him what most people charge for rent in our town. He was disgusted by that.

I called Scott and fought blubbering like a baby. What are the chances of bumping into this woman and the conversation happening? What are the chances of him just happening to show up to the house while I am there? What are the chances that the rent is going to allow us to live within our means and help us get out of debt? WHAT ARE THE CHANCES?!


Scott talked to the farmer on the phone last night, and as long as there aren’t any major repairs that he doesn’t want to pay to fix, we will be moving in some time this year! There’s not an exact time frame, since he hasn’t looked at the house closely yet. March at the earliest. The farmer said that he had thought about just tearing the house down at one point, but the house is still in such good shape.

The house sits on his farm land, so it surrounded by corn/soybean fields and has several large pole barns that house his equipment. It will be loud during planting and harvesting season, I am sure. But, what an incredible thing for the kids to witness. There is a chicken coop by the house. We are planning some raised beds to plant vegetables.

I am speaking this while it is still very early. Something could happen that could cause it all to come crashing down. I know this. We were planning raised beds in the house we currently live in anyway, so we will be planting here or there in the Spring.

On Sunday night, our pastor was talking about prayer and being faithful. He said that so often we expect God to say yes that when he says no, we don’t know what to do with ourselves. (So, remain faithful in those no times.) This is going to sound pessimistic, and show the tole the past several years have taken on my heart. But, I truly have reached the point where I am saying that I don’t know what to do if God says YES to this. I know. That’s terrible. So, I am writing this post and sharing with the world. Will you pray for this situation. I am prepared for something to cause this to not happen. I know that if it falls through, God will have a reason. But, I am praying that it all goes smoothly.

I am so excited and really feel so honored that I got to look at this beautiful home and hear about the history of it. That alone was such a gift. I pray that we get to call this place home. But if not, God is still good

story telling, Uncategorized, Weekending



Happy Monday, friends!

This weekend was so busy. Friday night, I had rehearsal for our Christmas cantata at church. I ran into Target to get a few things before practice, and was Thankful that I got in line before the big crowd. I think I’ll hibernate until after Christmas. This time of year is bonkers.

Saturday, I worked a good portion of the day, which was really nice. A steady stream of patrons at the library helps time pass quickly. Plus, my co-workers are great. When I got off, I called my mom and asked if she would watch the girls for us. I wanted to take Scott to the cemetery to “see” his dad. These visits are hard. We’d give anything to just be able to talk to him again. My mom-in-law has it decorated beautifully. The sun was almost down completely and it was freezing, so we didn’t spend much time there. We were getting dinner after we left, and Scott decided to go to his dad’s favorite pizza place. Somewhere along the way, this happened..


Honestly, it wouldn’t be December without some sort of car troubles. This is the THIRD time we’ve had a nail/screw in our tire in December. Thankfully, that washer sealed the air in and it didn’t deflate. We were 45 minutes away from home, and the only place with tires would not repair it with the location of the screw, and didn’t have the size of tire we needed. So, we drove home and prayed that the tire wouldn’t explode. Ok, I did.. irrational fears… or maybe rational. The Walmart in our town also didn’t have our size of tire. UGH. It was still nice to have a date alone with my husband, even if it was a little stressful. haha!

Sunday, we drove the van another 30 minutes to church. Scott taught Sunday School and I had rehearsal. After Scott was done teaching, he left to get the tire looked at. Thankfully, someone let us know that Sam’s club will plug a tire for free if you are a member. They fixed the tire for us and it didn’t cost us a penny. We were feeling so frustrated that we were going to have such a big expense right before Christmas, and God provided.

The Christmas cantata was beautiful. I woke up on Sunday morning with my throat feeling dry and scratchy; not ideal when you are about to sing. I made some hot lemon ginger tea and drank as much as I could before singing. I am so thankful that my voice held out. It started to go as soon as church was over, and I felt really drained. I had been taking an antibiotic, and it took everything out of me. It didn’t do a thing for the sinus junk– and it made me completely miserable. I finished the 10 days, and am still trying to get back to normal. I crawled into bed after church and stayed there until dinner. I got our homeschool week all planned and set up, and then got back in bed.

You can tell Christmas is near. The kids are in a flurry of excitement. We have a Christmas countdown going, and they squeal with delight when they talk about it. The book Finding Christmas is such a beautiful book, and a great reminder for young and old alike to remember the spirit of the season is giving and not receiving. This is one that I want to add to our collection!

holiday, story telling, Uncategorized, Weekending

Long (Exhausting) Weekend

Hello from the other side..

Last week was B-U-S-Y. I hosted our families for Thanksgiving. I cooked pies and cookies all day on Wednesday. I worked a couple of hours at the library and then came home and resumed chopping veggies. I cooked all day Thursday until everyone arrived.

It ended up being 15 people total; my mom ended up sick and I fought crying the whole darn time.

I literally took one picture on Thanksgiving.


ha! I had never made sweet potato casserole before, so I looked up a recipe. I sent this picture to my mom before putting them in the oven. And, that is all I got a picture of. No pictures of family. None of the crazy arrangement to fit everyone in a seat. Sweet potato casserole.. There are sweet potatoes in there, but I had specific instructions to load it with marshmallows. I made one with pecans and one without. It was so delicious.

Everyone left after they finished eating to go “Black Friday” shopping. My sister and mom-in-law did the dishes for me, and I was so grateful. I was so tired, but my heart was so full. We weren’t really sure what to do since everyone left so quickly. Scott and I wrapped up pajamas and a new Christmas book for the girls to open Thanksgiving night. My kitchen was still a disaster, as you can see in the picture, but we were done for the night.


These goobers. I love them.

Friday, I woke up at some terrible hour to go ACTUAL Black Friday shopping with my sister. We had a ton of fun and found matching Griswold hats. We tried to be good, we really did. But, we couldn’t resist the darn hats. Amy even played Christmas music from her phone because we are extra. This picture was after coffee. Bless.



We basically were running or driving every day of the long weekend. We struggled hard on Sunday morning and didn’t make it to church. I have been battling some stupid sinus junk for FOUR weeks, and by Sunday afternoon my throat felt like it was on fire. I should probably give in and drag myself to the doctor, but I am stubborn and hate antibiotics.. I need to face the truth though.

I will resume my small shop spotlight tomorrow. Today, I am focusing on Cyber Monday deals over on my deals and steals page. (This is my favorite deal today!) I am truly so grateful to everyone who orders through one of my affiliate links. I have been able to make enough to pay for all of the kids’ birthday presents and a good chunk of Christmas gifts because of this blog! That is huge for us, so thank you thank you!!!! This is my small business, and I love it.

story telling, Uncategorized, Weekending

A little Bit of This and That

Hi, friends.

It’s been a while. I’ve just been trucking along. We went to Boo at the Zoo on Friday even though it was so cold and drizzly. We actually had freezing rain in the afternoon. We told the girls that we could go on another day, but they really wanted to go. So, we bundled up and went. No crowds. Imagine that.

Let’s just ignore the mess that is my house. I clean and clean and clean. But, it seems to be fruitless.

Saturday I got to help my niece get ready for her first show choir performance. I was standing outside of the hospital room when she was born. Now, she is this beautiful thirteen year old girl doing something that I loved when I was her age. I cried. I fought tears every time she was performing, and when all of the show choir groups sang “This is Me” from The Greatest Showman, I lost it.


I don’t even know how she got so grown… or how my own daughters are so grown. Time is such a bitter enemy.

Sunday, we took it slow. Church, rest, choir practice, and church. My mom-in-law drove over and had lunch with us. I didn’t get any pictures. I think I was a zombie by that point.

Monday, my mom invited my older sister and I over for a craft night. It was so much fun. We made Christmas crafts and, yes, turned on Christmas music. (Pandora’s Hipster Holidays station is the best.) We ate snacks and chatted.. it was perfect.


I felt pretty miserable yesterday. I haven’t been eating the way I know I should, and I’m paying for it. As soon as Scott came home, I laid down for the rest of the evening. It doesn’t help that Harper has been waking up at 4:30 every morning when Scott leaves for work. I have horrible insomnia, and only get a few hours of sleep a night if I don’t take something to help me sleep. I only take something on nights that Scott doesn’t work the next day; so once a week usually. The exhaustion paired with a terrible diet (terrible for my needs) has been a pretty rotten combination.

I rearranged Harper’s room this morning in the hopes that she won’t hear all of the noise in the driveway. What kind of person builds a house with all of the bedrooms over the REALLY loud garage doors and driveway? A cruel one.. that’s who. (whom?) She has a sound machine in her room. I just don’t get it. She can sleep through her sisters’ obnoxious noises, but not Scott leaving for work. If you have any tips to keep me from losing my mind, I’m all ears. I can’t take much more.

I hope that your week has been wonderful and you are getting wonderful autumn weather wherever you are!

story telling, Uncategorized, Weekending

Weekend Recap

This weekend was so full and fun. I love weekends like that. We had summer weather, which is kind of annoying when it’s OCTOBER, but we wouldn’t let that stop us.


Friday, we had plans to go to Lincoln’s New Salem for their candlelight festival. I invited my mom and dad to join us for the evening, and was so happy that they were able to come with us. We met them for dinner before the event. We made it into town a little before them, so we took the girls to see Abraham Lincoln’s home. Their minds were blown to see this incredible piece of history.

At New Salem, they had all of the cabins open and illuminated with candles. They had a militia camp set up as well as a few other camps so that you could see what live was like in the 1800s. It was SO crowded. I overhead others saying that they had never seen that many people come to the event. We were determined to make it to the tavern for gingerbread and apple cider. Naturally, we headed that way first to get our snacks. We needed fuel for the night, you know?


We only made it into a few of the cabins before the kids were tired of the crowds and long lines; also a little scared of the darkness. It was past their bedtime, so we expected it to happen at some point. While we were walking, my dad was telling me stories about my grandpa building a cabin with his bare hands. I want to soak in all of the stories about my parents and grandparents. How much history has been lost by people not sharing the stories or remembering the stories?


Saturday, I had signed my mom and I up for a craft at the library. Scott ended up having to work, and I thought I was going to miss out. My dad saved the day by offering to watch all three kids for me so that I could go! It basically thrilled the three of them to spend a couple of hours with their papa. They talked about how fun it was the entire day. My younger sister and her family got into town in the evening. I popped into my parents’ house to say hi to them and hug them all.


Sunday started off as it always does- with our church family. We were running a few minutes late, but were still going to make it. Then, we got stopped a train. Then, the train stopped. That is pretty typical for this town, and everyone hates it. After church and lunch, we met up with my mom and younger sister’s family at the apple orchard. IMG_9541

I love this orchard so much. If you live anywhere nearby, you should definitely visit. They have delicious cider slushes, donuts, and all kinds of goodies. The people who work there are some of the nicest.


They have a playground, hay bale tunnels, and even a toddler playground that is all free for you to enjoy. They don’t charge you for every activity, which is so common with some of the big-name orchards.


I also got to hug a friend of mine that I’ve really only met in person once, which was a big cherry on top of a great weekend.

I love fun weekends where you get to spend time with the people you love and do all of the fun fall things. I’m holding on until later this week when the weather will actually feel like fall again. The schools are out today, but we are still working away. Instead of taking today off and staying in the house because of the heat, we will take another day off later this week when we can walk to the park and play!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend also, and that you enjoy your Columbus Day!

kids, story telling, Uncategorized, Weekending

Our Weekend in Pictures

Alternate title: Our Sunday in pictures.

Saturday, Scott and his brother left at 3 AM to go to Michigan to watch the football game in Ann Arbor. This left the girls and I solo all day. I invited my parents over for breakfast. I made biscuits and burnt scrambled eggs (lucky them) and my dad made bacon and gravy. It was so much fun having them over. We played a couple games of clue before they headed back home. Then, we loaded up and went to Target to walk around and get out of the house. I typically spend 6 days a week without a vehicle and trapped at home, so when I have it I am GONE. When we got home, I spent HOURS helping the big girls clean their room. Seriously, no one is allowed to bring any toys into this house unless they are a birthday or Christmas gift. I’m sick of spending hours with the junk my kids accumulate. Anyone else? That was our Saturday, and I didn’t take any pictures.

Sunday, we got up and went to church. I love my church family. I am so thankful that God brought us here to be with these people during this time in our lives.

The place that my mom works for throws a big family picnic each year. It was originally scheduled for Saturday, but the heavens opened up and INCHES of rain fell. It obviously was rescheduled. As soon as church was over, we headed home to change and go to the picnic. Unlimited fair food. Heck yes! Bounce houses for the kids to wear themselves out in were available. There were so many crafts and games. The girls got more than one pony ride.



I asked Chloe if she wanted to go play BINGO with me. She came so close to winning, but neither of us did.

Glitter tattoos and face paint may have been the favorite part. For some reason, Addi always gets super nervous and never wants to have it done. I don’t push it, so that’s why you don’t see her in these. Gah! They are so cute!! We spent ALL DAY here playing and having fun.


I love days like this. They had a fireworks show once it got dark, and of course everyone loved that.


I hope that you had a wonderful weekend as well. Now, it’s back to the grind.