
Devo from 2007

I was looking through my old notes on facebook. Did you even remember that they were there? ha! I found this old post that I had done. I said that I wanted to write a devotional book. This was installment #1.

“And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience and patience experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed…”
Romans 5:3-5a

As I was walking around the campus of Baptist Bible College a few months after the Ice Storm in 2007, I noticed something that was miraculous. The trees were beginning to bloom. The miraculous thing is that these weren’t just any trees. These trees had endured some tough times. Not only did the ice storm take a beating on them, they had most of their limbs cut off. Yet, still, they were beginning to bloom once again; maybe even more beautiful than in the past. Many times life tends to be like this. We get beat on and sail some rough seas. We tend to think that it is the end of the world, but then we notice that once the trials are over, we begin to grow once again. Sometimes we need this pruning in order for us to grow to our full potential. We may not be able to see it now, but it is definitely there.

I think that this is so fitting for where I am in life right now. I feel like those trees. I can still remember so vividly how horrible they looked. It looked like someone had thrown giant matchsticks into the ground. There were no branches left. The winter had ripped them to shreds.

I truly have been feeling like my “limbs” have been violently ripped off. Life has been beating down and I am just standing here feeling like I can’t possible move on from all of this. It feels like the end of the world, but I know that it is not. I can’t wait to see what God will make of all of this. I am willing. I am ready. I want to grow and use all of these trials for HIS glory.


Name Tag Necklace for MOPS

I was searching Pinterest for ideas for a MOPS craft. Gotta love Pinterest. I found this tutorial for name tag necklaces. They are beautiful.

I decided to make them, only alter them a little. I loved the natural looking wood with the burnt edges, so I didn’t paint mine.

I used regular scotch tape to tape off the angled part where I want to put the glitter.

I painted a thin layer of Martha Stewart’s glitter glue on the tip of the feather. Make sure that you get every part covered, or you may have a bare spot on your feathers.

Sprinkle your glitter all over the feather tips. I decided to go with silver, gold, and a sort of rose gold color. Something for everyone.

Immediately take off the tape, being careful to not smudge your wet glue and glitter.

Once your glue is completely dry, line up your feathers and spray them with your glitter sealer. This stuff is awesome!!

Here is my finished project. I bought some oil based paint markers for each mom to write her name on her feather. They still bled a little, so I am not sure if there is a way to seal the wood to keep the markers from bleeding. I haven’t tried anything like that yet.

Here are the supplies that I used for these necklaces:

Wooden Feathers
Glitter Glue
Glitter Sealer
Necklace String

I plan to find some pretty beads for each mom to decorate her necklace with as well. Would you add anything else to them? I can’t decide if they are too plain, or just pretty and simple.


Happy Monday

This is going to be a wild few weeks!!

I finally get to see an endocrinologist next week! Hooray!! Please pray that he can figure something out for me. Also, I read his health grades and they were no bueno.. pray that he isn’t as big of a jerk as those people say.. Yikes!!!

I ate something bad yesterday and had such horrible back pain last night and my thyroid is gigantic again today. I think that I am going to have to do something more than just a diet change. I love to know that I am eating right, so I will keep going with this lifestyle change, but I think something else is going to have to happen. My heart keeps racing and when I stand up I feel like I am going to pass out. I keep getting REALLY hot and can’t cool off. I feel like I am going crazy. Maybe I am. 😛

Our first MOPS meeting is a week from tomorrow. I have one helper for MOPPETS and one who is willing to help wherever she is needed. There have been flyers handed out at a few schools, so I am freaking out a little about not having enough people to help me out. I want to be prepared for the huge things that God can do!!!

Thursday I have a theology final, and am trying to work on making up classes that I missed during our vacation.

I was planning to have a yard sale this weekend, but I am not sure if I will be able to with all that is going on this week and next week. I have lots and lots to prepare and study, and still have to do school with Chloe, cook, clean, etc. Whew. I am glad that I can drink coffee without any issues. haha!

I hope that your Monday is much less dreary than it is here!


An interview with Chloe

**Chloe lost her first tooth yesterday!!**

What’s your name?

How old are you?

What’s your favorite thing to do?
I think it’s kind of like getting a barbies.

What is your favorite book?
um…. Barbie book

What is your favorite animal?
umm… unicorns and I like mermaids, too. Mermaids can swim! I like hippos, unicorns, horses, mermaids and barbies.

What do you like to watch on TV?
Umm.. Team Ummizoomi

What is your favorite song?

What does daddy do at work?
Umm.. work.

What do you want for your birthday?
What about a new barbie with legos. Girl legos and new blocks that have pink and red because I don’t have any red blocks. So, and I want a sword so I can be a pirate and I want a dress so I can be a beautiful princess just like this beautiful princess. But, if my tooth is loose someone can get it out.

What’s your favorite color?
umm purple

Where is your favorite place to go?
Um to the mall!

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Um What about a princess.

Who is your favorite person?
Um the new Addie and the new Audrey.

What is your favorite toy?
Um Barbies.

What makes you happy?
Um Barbies.

What scares you?
the storms.

When you get sick what makes you feel better?

What is your favorite drink?
um chocolate milk

Who is your favorite princess?

What is something that mommy always says to you?
Um I don’t know.

How old is mommy?
I dunno

How old is daddy?
I dunno either

What did you do today?
clean up

What is love?
Um hearts

What do you like to wear?

What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?
um play

What is daddy’s favorite food?
Um chicken

What do you know about Jesus?
Um He loves me.

What do you like to go shopping for?

What is something you like to eat?
Um Macaroni and cheese

What makes Chloe special?


A plate full

Ever since Harper was born, my plate has felt pretty full. I tend to thrive under pressure though… as well as feel a little insane.

Harper was born in July. My Faith Bible Institute class started in August. We started our Homeschool year in September. We went to see our families in October, and that is when the homeschooling sort of fell apart. We’ve put it back together though!! In November I started my Jamberry business. December is when I was given the go-ahead for our brand new MOPS program.

MOPS is where my mind is really focused right now. I started getting things set up in December and formulating ideas in my head. I was trying to wait until I could have a real meeting with Pastor before making real plans. He is also a busy man, so no meeting has ever come. I finally just published the facebook page and set up dates and got the ball rolling. He is getting really excited about the program and what the purpose of it is. When your pastor is on board, then you are set! haha!

Anyway, I am working on some very cheap centerpieces, crafts, and all of that jazz. I love doing crafts, but never really get a chance to do them. Thankfully, this gives me an excuse. I HAVE TO make things for this. 🙂

Here is what I have so far.

Take the chalkboard sign out, and this is what will be on our tables. I am trying to do things that can easily be used for next year’s theme since we are starting so late in the game. I am also going to do a wood slice, but the person who offered to do them for me suddenly up and went on vacation.. so I guess I will be purchasing a couple. I am really trying to stick to a SMALL budget because I am fronting the cost for all of this myself.

I am really, really excited for the potential friendships that will be made. I am even more excited to have the opportunity to introduce mamas to the love that Jesus has for them!! Please pray for our MOPS ministry. I have one other committed helper and another who has offered to help whenever she can. God can make this ministry explode and be bigger than I can even imagine, but I need some more helpers. 😉

Bravery is the theme of the year, and it is going to take a whole lot of courage for me to do this. It is way out of my comfort zone, but I am honored to get the opportunity to challenge myself.


The Grinch Tries Yoga

I saw my doctor yet again today. I asked her to please refer me to an endocrinologist because I am frustrated by not knowing what is going on with my body.

She said that with my latest blood tests, my T4 levels stayed the same, but the overall TSH had gone up. It is still in the normal range, but it did go up. That could be a sign that it is on it’s way to failure. Because it is chronically diseased and I have a goiter, it is a sign that my thyroid is eventually going to quit on it’s own.

I am really anxious to move forward with gaining some insight into my endocrine system. I asked about adrenal fatigue,  since I have every symptom listed. She said that it is possible that I am dealing with it, because my potassium has been low every time I’ve had those levels tested. But, the symptoms of adrenal fatigue and thyroid disease overlap. She said that I could be one of the rare people who has adrenal problems that have caused my thyroid problems. But, I also could not be. I may have to get a radioactive iodine test done, which will mess up breastfeeding for me..

I just want to do this..


Fun and Sun

We finally had sunshine today!! Sunshine that was actually accompanied by warmth!!!!!!

WHAT?!?!? That rarely happens here.. Yeehaw!!!

It is also grocery weekend, so I spent the first part of the day running to various grocery stores to get our two weeks of food. Chloe was also in need of a new helment, so I went to the store and picked one up for her. I think Addi is probably already too big for her bike, so we will be eyeing the sales after the summer and possibly get a new one for her birthday. We will see.

Back to our glorious weather..

We went outside. Scott grilled chicken. The girls flew kites, rode bikes, and played at “Mickey Park” AKA. our swingset. It was pretty windy, so we ended up eating inside instead of at the picnic table. During the summer months we eat A LOT of meals outside. We love, love, LOVE being outside in the fresh air.



We took a little.. ok a long.. break from homeschooling. Harper wasn’t really on any kind of schedule anymore and I could not for the life of me get anything figured out because she was increasingly more active. I thrive on a schedule, and so do my kids, so trying to throw it in here and there was just not working for any of us.

Now, H naps at pretty regular times, so we have been getting back into the swing of things. My kids are so smart and bright, and they blow me away. Chloe is still working on Pre-K work. Addison is still a little young; her birthday is in October. I don’t think that we will do real pre-k with her next year even. I don’t think she would be ready for it since her birthday is late. We will just do printables, etc. for her next year while Chloe does Kindergarten. But, that is next year. Back to this year..

Anyway, Addi FINALLY did a worksheet according to the instructions, and my mama heart swelled with pride. She wants to only do animal papers… thanks a lot Aunt Curly for somehow passing that gene to her. :p

If you want to homeschool your kids, but just don’t feel like you can do it. YOU CAN! The companies provide SO MANY resources whenever you order curriculum. We are doing Horizon’s pre-k curriculum right now, and bought Heart of Dakota for next year. I love Horizon’s so far, and like what I have seen of our Kindergarten. I haven’t really dove into it because I am still figuring out pre-k.

Some of my recommendations from an OBVIOUS not-pro:
1. Don’t start immediately after having a baby. Ever..
2. Buy a fancy pencil sharpener. My hands are going to fall off from using a cheap tiny thing to sharpen pencils.
3. Have a set space where you do school. I was told not to put it in their bedrooms because then they would be thinking about schoolwork and unable to fall asleep.
4. JoAnn’s does a discount for homeschooling moms as well as teachers. Use it!
5. Don’t stress. Teaching my kids has been stressful, but overall a real joy to do. I get to be the one to see their eyes light up when they learn something new. It’s amazing. (That is not at all a judgement on moms who don’t homeschool. I understand that some people just don’t want to or are incapable for various reasons. NO judgement at all. I just love being able to witness it.)
6. Find a mentor who can help you. I have a friend who has homeschooled her 4 daughters. She provided me with lots of information and help. I am so grateful for her.
7. Pray a lot. I firmily believe that God has called me to do this. I don’t know if He will have us do this forever, but right now I am in His will. I can’t do this without His help!


3 years

My sweet baby. Today marks the 3rd year of celebrating your due date without you. I thought it would get easier. In a sense, it has. I don’t have buckets of tears flowing. But, my heart aches. You would be turning two this year. Who would you be? Would you be just as silly as your sisters? Would you have loved your new baby as much as they do?

There are so many questions that will never get answered. I have so many hugs and kisses that I want to give you.

Easter is tomorrow. There should be four little baskets full of tiny gifts. I am saddened to know that I never got to buy you a present. But, because of Easter; because of Christ dying on the cross and RISING three days later, I get to see you one day. I know that I will get to hug you in heaven one day because me eternity is secure in Christ. I am so thankful for that. I am so thankful that you are celebrating the true reason WITH HIM!! How incredible it must be to see the scars in his hands and feet; the scar on his side.

Are you in awe? I wonder if you ever think of your earthly mommy and daddy. A part of me hopes so. But, I know that you are with JESUS. There is NOTHING better than that.

So, I will get through this day in a fog as I typically do, but a fog with hope. Hope..