
Can you tell that life is busy with 2? Hmm.. Since Christmas, Addi has started rolling over all the time. She smiles constantly and has such a sweet personality. She is a beautiful girl inside and out. She weighs 18 pounds. She laugh occasionally and is such a snuggle bunny. She loves being with mama and I like it that way! Chloe is still the same. She is a rock climber that’s as brave as a lion. She isn’t afraid of anything. She learned to climb out of her crib, so we are on the hunt for a big girl bed. We are looking at getting a bunk bed because we do want more kids in a few years, and the girls will share a room. I found a pretty pink one that I love. I am really enjoying having two sweet girls. It is perfect… I love having two under two! It’s scary and stressful, but wonderful and perfect! I am looking into doing a food overhaul in this house. I am going to be trying to switch to a mostly organic diet. I’m getting rid of the junk. I have to be the example to my kids. Chloe wants to eat whatever we are, so I have to make it good! I don’t eat junk food anyway, but I want to make what we put in our bodies good. I want to preserve my health, not my physical body for years after I enter the gates of heaven! I can sacrifice elsewhere I will do what it takes to give my family what is best. I want to plant a vegetable garden here, but it is not our property so I have to ok it with Pastor. It would be such a valuable learning tool for the munchkins and so sustainable. In other news, marble nail polish is super fantastic! It took me forever because I kept messing it up, but once I got the hang of it, it was pretty easy and turned out so neat! Try it out!