

These stupid teeth will NOT show up and quit torturing my poor baby.  I have done everything I can to make her comfortable and it is just not working for her.  I am quite sick of feeling helpless.  I am quite irritated in general.  She cries all day, and I feel bad for her because I would cry all day, too.. but all of that crying has been giving me severe headaches and I have had a stiff neck for a month… I just want to rest and my husband is literally never home during Chloe’s waking hours anymore.  I have become a single parent and I am still MARRIED!! I am just fed up with the way things are. My dog sits in her kennel all day because it is too cold for her to be outside and she will not quit terrorizing the house when she is out. I can’t handle a demon dog and a teething baby all by myself when I feel like I am barely holding it together.  I will PAY someone to take this stupid dog from us! lol Just pray for Chloe that these teeth will break through and relieve her of her pain.  We have a doctors appointment for her this week to get her checked out because the poor baby barely poops and when she does it is extremely painful for her, so maybe they can suggest something for her teeth.  I refuse to put whiskey on her gums so don’t even suggest that, please!


“Take her to the nearest hospital”

Yesterday was quite the eventful day.  My little porker who usually eats every 2 hours refused to eat yesterday.  She ate first thing in the morning, and then refused to eat after that. She ate her cereal like normal, but wouldn’t take a bottle and wouldn’t nurse.  I called her pediatrician around 6:00 and told them what she had been doing because I was worried she may get dehydrated.  She didn’t have nearly as many wet diapers and when they were wet they were barely wet at all.  The nurse got back on the phone after talking to the doctor and said “take her to the nearest hospital and tell them she isn’t eating”.  If you want to make me panic, say those words to me! Scott was at a basketball game coaching. I tried calling him and of course he didn’t answer so I had to try to call anyone who might be at the game.  Danny (our associate pastor) was able to get ahold of someone at the game for me and Scott had to leave in the middle of his basketball game to come.  I should say for those that don’t know that we only have one vehicle and one carseat that she can safely ride in, so it wasn’t like I could just call up anyone to drive us up there.  We got there and apparently all of Dearborn was in the Emergency Room because it was SO packed.  A man was kind enough to let us cut in front of him in line since we had a baby. Once she got into a room she was all giggly and smiley so they all thought we were nuts for bringing her in.  They looked at her and she wasn’t showing any signs of dehydration and her lungs and heart sounded fine.  I was able to get her to eat (FINALLY) while we were there so they sent us home and said to just keep an eye on her.  Thankfully this morning she ate like normal.  She slept all night, only waking once long enough for me to put her pacifier in her mouth, and is down for a nap already.
It was terrifying just having to TAKE her to the hospital and I am so glad that they didn’t have to do anything to her.  I am grateful to be blessed with a healthy baby!!
Oh yeah, and SHE POOPED last night!! Hooray! haha!


Are we 6 months old?!

Chloe has become so much fun! Her motor skills are improving so much. She reaches out and grabs her toys, and toes, and brings them right to her mouth. She rolls over from back to belly constantly.. usually when we are trying to change her diaper.  She has started scooting from side to side on her belly.  She’s really working on going forward but can’t quite get it yet.  She pushes all the way up on her arms now.  Yesterday, she started sitting up by herself for quite a while.  She has been lasting a few seconds for a while, but last night she sat for at least a full minute.  She eats cereal twice a day because she was acting like she was starving at night.  I started mixing a little bit of baby food in with it in the evening.  All she has had so far is prunes, but she really likes them.

She has outgrown her 3-6 month clothes already because of her length, so she is now in 6-9 month clothes.  I feel like I’m wasting money to get her clothes that she wears for a month! haha! We are also switching her out of her infant carrier into the convertible carseat. She has been getting read marks on her neck from the straps and cries in the seat.  They aren’t too tight on her, and are in the right spot.. she is just too big.  I worry that if we get in a wreck it will slice her neck, so to the big girl seat it is! Thankfully she sits up OK so that we will do alright in the stroller.  It’s the cart I’m worried about!! She is loosing all of her hair, too, which makes me really sad! I hope it grows back brown when it comes back in.  She still has some so maybe she will keep what is left.. :/

I had to get her a new hat, too, because her head is very big.. I went to the mall yesterday and found a pig hat that has a face and ears on the front, and then a curly tail on the back.  It cracked me up and you can only pull that stuff off for a short while!