
Hot Mess Express

Stroller // Sippy cup // blanket

What year is it? Is it 4 in the morning? Where do we petition to stop the insanity that is Daylight Savings Time? My hatred for it runs deeeeep.

I went to the doctor on Friday for a medicine refill. I left making three new appointments. Oh, the life of chronic mystery thyroid disease and epilepsy. Maybe this will be the year for answers. I am getting another ultrasound done on my Thyroid this Wednesday,  so please pray for answers! My doctor is also repeated the test that determines Hashimoto’s. I don’t care what the answers are at this point, as long as I get some.

Saturday, Scott had to work again. There was a business expo in town. I always looked forward to it as a kid. You walk around and get free pens and notepads. It was like Christmas. I wanted to take the girls to it, but it was pretty cool out in the morning. My mom is amazing and picked up extras of all of the fun stuff for the kids, and for me! I checked the temperature and decided that we could probably walk up there after lunch and make it with some time to spare before it closed. Most of the tables had been packed up when we got there.. 20 minutes before it was supposed to end, mind you. I was really thankful for the few tables that were still set up. Addi kept saying “This was the best day EVER” as we walked back home.

Sunday we dragged ourselves out of bed for church. We were late for Sunday school.. or extra early for service depending on how you look at it. Harper apparently had woken up in the middle of the night and Scott was asleep on her floor from 3 AM until she woke up at 6. I evidently was dead to the world, which is really rare.

After church, we headed straight for a nearby outlet mall. We still needed to get Easter dresses for the big girls. Scott needed a new zip-up hoodie since his are all covered in grease from the factory. I also discovered that the sole of my brown dress shoes was almost completely off when I was at church. HA! I wore those shoes for 10 years, so I can’t really be upset. Thankfully these shoes from Old Navy were almost half price, and SO comfy. So, we snagged them also. They are 40% off online, so if you need some new shoes I highly recommend these for comfort. We took the girls into a Justice store for the first time, and their eyeballs about popped out of their head. So many loud colors and so much glitter.

I sprained my LCL last weekend. I think all of the walking made it really angry because I was in a lot of pain last night. It hadn’t really been hurting me the past few days. It is really tight, so I limp around even without pain. So weird. Knees are weird

Harper didn’t sleep very well again last night. I slept on her floor after she woke up around 4. I feel like garbage now. Seriously, DST is cruel… Everyone is grumpy. All aboard the hot mess express.

I hope that your Monday is as great as the Monday after a time change can be. 😉


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