
Friday Favorites


1. CSA- This week was a gooooood week! There’s so much squash. I am hoping that it will still be good when we get home from our trip this weekend. I love that we get the chance to try some different vegetables that I wouldn’t typically buy at the grocery store. There’s nothing like fresh from the farm veggies!

2. PRIME DAY!! July 16th is Amazon Prime Day!! While the rest of the blogging world is pumped about the Nordstrom Sale, I’m psyched for Prime day.  If you haven’t joined my deals & steals group on Facebook, jump over there and do so. Take the poll and let me know what kind of deals you want me to hunt down for you.

3. I snagged this cookbook when it was on sale, and I am SO GLAD I did. Danielle said that out of all of her cookbooks, this is the one she would recommend most if you had to pick one. I’m so excited to have foods that I can eat for every holiday. These recipes will be used year round. The price has gone up a little since I got it, but it’s still on sale if you want to grab it, too.

4. I made these muffins and put them in the freezer. I pull one out for breakfast, or whenever I feel like it. You can throw it in the microwave to heat up or just let it thaw.

5. The second season of Anne with an E is FINALLY on Netflix today. I loved the first season and have been (im)patiently waiting for the next one for over a year. I’m so excited to watch. Have you watched it?

6. This kitchen. All the heart eyes. (I really love Holly’s Instagram account.)


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I am trying to get everything packed for my family and our trip to Michigan. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed by it all, even though I started my list WEEKS ago. I also have to pack all of our dog’s stuff so he can party with my Dad while we are gone. I hate coming home to a messy house, so I’m also cleaning all the things. Send coffee.




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